Everybody's talking at me.
I don't hear a word they're saying,
Only the echoes of my mind.
People stopping staring,
I can't see their faces,
Only the shadows of their eyes.
I'm going where the sun keeps shining
Thru' the pouring rain,
Going where the weather suits my clothes,
Backing off of the North East wind,
Sailing on summer breeze
And skipping over the ocean like a stone.
(F. Neil / H. Nilsson)
Fins avui no he sabut que abans-d'ahir va morir John Schlesinger. Per un d'aquells atzars sorprenents, abans-d'ahir mateix i ahir vaig escoltar el disc de la banda sonora de Midnight Cowboy, inoblidable pel·lícula seva, que conté aquesta cançó cantada per Harry Nilsson, i que quan la poso no puc evitar mai de fer un mínim de tres replays.